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Empowering Through Language : My Teaching Mission

 A determined and hardworking spirit from a young age!


I am a child who wants to do well, but what is taught to me in school does not resonate with me! I get bored, and  I am afraid of making mistakes because when that happens , I am punished or worse! Fortunately, I am hardworking, persevering, and determined, so I manage to get through it. I have a strong attraction to languages and literary subjects. Scientific subjects seem incomprehensible to me until the day a math teacher sees my determination and convinces me that I can succeed. He believes in me and is determined to help me progress. With him, my grades greatly improve. It is a revelation!

The importance of the teacher-student relationship can make such a big difference! The discovery of the Pygmalion effect is an eye-opener! This experiment, conducted by Robert Rosenthal in the 1960s, underscores the importance of teachers' expectations and how they can influence students' performance. It highlights the fact that positive expectations from teachers can have a significant impact on students' motivation, self-confidence, and academic results. This will remain an epiphanic moment in my education and will influence my approach to students.


Long live languages!


English is the discipline where I excel! I embark on my first school trip to Wales. This immersion stay with a Welsh family allows me to discover their way of life, and I also participate in classes at the high school with Welsh students! I realize that we learn very differently! What a cultural and human adventure! I develop a taste for travel, and the difference attracts me!

The adventure begins!

With a Bac L in hand, I start studying marketing and commerce, which allows me to obtain a scholarship to study in Ireland. I want to speak my favorite language learned in school and discover how natives live! And here I am, an Erasmus student in Dublin, Ireland!
I am fascinated by the differences in our education systems, but what touches me is the closeness that teachers have with their students. A relationship of trust, listening, and exchange!
My social circle includes 12 different nationalities! I quickly realize that three factors are essential to progress in English: staying immersed in a purely English-speaking environment, stepping out of my comfort zone by speaking English and being proactive, and finally, taking an interest in the country's culture to better understand the locals. My new motto becomes: mistakes are necessary to learn, seize every opportunity to speak the host language! Faced with challenges in communication, I develop strategies to adapt (including patience) and improve my ability to express myself in English.


My first steps in the professional world...


My curiosity for differences and my need for exploration lead me into the travel industry. After two years as a sales agent for Lufthansa airline and numerous international stays, I settle in New Zealand. After almost a year of hospitality and relational service, I get bored and need to give a different meaning to my professional journey. What excites me is transmitting through human relationships. New Zealand is one of the countries facing a shortage of workforce in education and early childhood! I make good use of my sales skills, English proficiency, and experience to convince the University of Auckland to employ me as an assistant educator in their daycare. After a little over a year and passionate about my new job, I invest most of my time in reading and researching psychology to better understand and support children. A new opportunity presents itself: taking a position as an educator in an English-speaking daycare and a French teacher to a group of primary school children in a completely different culture, Dubai! I then realize the learning potential of human beings and become interested in the natural laws of child learning. My goal: to be able to teach my language to different audiences!


Jean de la Fontaine said, "Patience and length of time do more than force or rage!".


I decide to resume my studies to become a teacher! A few years later, with a bachelor's and a master's degree in education, teaching French to diverse audiences in Dubai, the United States, Cambodia, Mongolia, and Australia, from public to private school to language school. I combine distance learning and work in school, giving me the opportunity to put into practice and test what I learn. However, the reality of the field is often far from what is taught at the university, the path is filled with challenges, yet rich in learning: patience, time, and adaptation are key! I develop teaching programs tailored to very different audiences, collaborate in an international environment, and face cultural and communication misunderstandings. I discover the coordination of a team of teachers and assistants, to whom I also provide training. This journey allows me to identify my areas for improvement and my strengths. I always come back to the same conclusion: the relationship is at the heart of transmission and learning! Patience and Trust in the success of my students are my mantra !


Transmitting, my life mission


Driven by my thirst for learning, the desire to always support my students better, and to improve myself, I participate in many teacher training sessions, educate myself on alternative pedagogies, and show interest in personal development. Today, I am also training in phonetic correction with a special method and becoming a coach with EDEC, the Effective Coaching Training School by David Laroche. This training allows me to develop professional and personal tools to bring clarity to my students on how to achieve their language goals, especially when they are demotivated or overwhelmed! My didactic approach is personalized, based on my experience, observations, research, with the relationship at the center."


  • Master of Human and Social Sciences

  • Master Honours Teaching Education and Training Field, Primary teaching Specialisation

  • Bachelor of Education

  • Graduate Certificate in the Sciences of Education

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